Use this page to locate a detainee who is currently in ICE custody or who has been in U.S. Customs and Border Protection�s custody for more than 48 hours.
Online Detainee Locator System cannot search for records of persons under the age of 18.
Search by A-Number
If you know the detainee's A-Number, ICE recommends you use the A-Number search. The A-Number must be exactly nine digits long. If the A-Number has fewer than nine digits, please add zeros at the beginning. You are also required to select the detainee's correct Country of Birth. (* Required Field)
Search by Biographical Information
When searching by name, a detainee's first and last names are required and must be an exact match (e.g., John Doe will not find Jon Doe or John Doe-Smith). When inputting a hyphenated last name into the Online Detainee Locator System, please include hyphen in order for the locator to find the individual (e.g., Doe-Smith). You are also required to select the detainee's Country of Birth. (* Required Field)